
How it all Started

"Wah wah wah wah wah" was all I usually heard in my classes as I filled my pages with doodles instead of notes. Sure, they say that math, science, and history are important but my mind struggled to stay focused on just topics. I was more concerned with the dinosaurs, monsters, and most importantly superhero's that made the leap from my mind to my paper. 

You see, I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to superhero's. They represent everything that everyone wants to be - super fast, super strong, or super smart. My childhood was filled with Saturday morning cartoons in my Robin pajamas, trips to the library to check out comic books, and even my own copy of the superhero's encyclopedia - I was a sucker for anything Marvel or DC. Superhero's taught me that I was only limited by my imagination.

Now twenty years later, I still haven't matured out of wanting to draw my superhero's, but I've learned to expand my creativity. Through various projects people have asked me to work on I have been able to experiment with different styles and mediums. While there is a nostalgia for pencil on paper, the capabilities of working digitally have furthered my creativity to seemingly limitless possibilities. 

So now comes the fun part of taking your ideas and creating something unique. 

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